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How to treat curly hair so it is not easy to tangle

Owners of curly hair, especially women, often complain that their hair is difficult to style. Curly hair does tend to tangle easily, so this condition makes a lot of time wasted in front of the glass. In fact, as long as you know how to treat curly hair properly, hair will be easier to manage and as beautiful as straight hair. Hair consists of a protein called keratin. Genetic factors play a role in influencing the thickness and structure of the hair, whether it's straight, curly, or curly. In addition to genetic factors, hair characteristics are also influenced by hormones, nutrition, treatment, or the use of chemicals.

Cause Curly Hair Easily Tangle

Hair becomes dry if the scalp does not produce enough sebum. Sebum is a natural oil produced by the scalp. Its function is to keep hair moist and soft, so it is not easy to tangle. Tangle condition caused by friction between strands of hair that is less lubricated with oil. Thick, wavy, or curly hair tends to be drier so it is easier to tangle. The more curly the structure of the hair, the greater the potential for dryness. This is because sebum is more difficult to stick to the curly hair shaft. Unlike curly hair, in straight hair sebum is easier to stick to the hair shaft. But the drawback, straight hair is more easily seen limp and should be washed more often.

How to treat curly hair

Different hair types, different treatments. Especially for curly hair, hair moisture must be maintained because this type of hair more prone to dry hair problems. Check out how to treat curly hair below:
  • Don't wash your hair too often

  • Shampoo is indeed formulated to clean up excess oil and scalp. However, if used every day, shampoo can remove hair's natural oils, so the hair becomes dry and brittle. Curly hair is more prone to experiencing dryness, so it is not advisable to wash your hair every day. However, how often to wash your hair is still influenced by other factors. For example exposure to pollution, activities that emit a lot of sweat, and weather. If your hair and scalp already feel greasy and dirty, this means it's time to wash your hair.
  • Use shampoo only on the scalp

  • The tip of the hair is the part of hair that is farthest from the scalp. No wonder this part dries more easily and becomes branched. In order not to become increasingly dry, apply shampoo only to the hair roots. Then clean the ends of the hair while rinsing the shampoo with clean water.
  • Choose a shampoo that suits your hair type

  • Most shampoo sold on the market contains detergent as the main cleaning agent. Detergents work by binding to dirt and sebum, but these substances can damage the hair. So that curly hair does not tangle easily, choose a shampoo without detergent content. Nondetergent shampoos usually include sulf sulfate free or SLS free ’on the composition label.
  • Always use a conditioner

  • Use conditioner from the stem to the ends of the hair then let stand a few moments. Choose a conditioner that contains vitamin E or shea butter. This is a method that needs to be applied so that curly hair does not tangle quickly.
  • Dry gently

  • Drying your hair by rubbing a towel on the scalp actually makes the hair become tangled and prone to breaking. Dry your hair using a cotton towel by pressing it to absorb excess water. Then comb gently so that the hair does not fall out easily.

Natural Ingredients for Treating Curly Hair

The following natural ingredients can 'tame' curly and matted hair:
  • Argan oil

  • In addition to maintaining healthy skin, argan oil can also maintain the beauty of hair. Apply argan oil from the stem to the ends of the hair, then comb gently. Wrap your hair and leave it overnight, then wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner in the morning. Hair will feel softer and easier to manage.
  • Olive oil

  • Do the same thing as argan oil treatment. However, wrap the hair that has been given olive oil for only 30 minutes. Afterwards, wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner.
  • Avocado

  • Use the avocado as a hair mask, then wrap the hair for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water until clean.
  • Honey

  • Combine honey and olive oil. Apply the mask evenly, then wrap the hair for 30 minutes. Rinse hair without shampoo and conditioner.
The key to caring for curly hair so that it doesn't tangle easily is keeping the hair moisturized. The use of dryers is recommended to be limited, because it can eliminate the natural moisture of the hair. If you decide to straighten your hair, pay attention to ways and techniques to straighten your hair so that damage can be minimized. Studies suggest that owners of curly hair use a conditioner every shampoo, because it effectively makes hair more manageable. The experts also suggest limiting the frequency of shampooing, which is enough once a week. But of course, this depends on the condition of your hair, comfort, environment and activities.
